The critically acclaimed Public Television series, Mexico One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless, brings to life the foods, the flavors, the stories and the fun of Mexico. Each season, chef-restaurateur-author-teacher-culinary adventurer Rick Bayless combines cooking with cultural musings, exotic locations, ideas for home entertaining and a generous helping of off-the-wall surprises to create a whole new kind of cooking show that mirrors the thrilling diversity and depth of Mexico.
The Whole Enchilada!
A full-tilt romp through Mexico’s by-ways, back streets, and beaches, full of unexpected turns and quirky tidbits about culture, cooking and history. Mexico comes alive like never before.
Keeping the Flame
More thrills, obsession, hilarity, and inspiration. Of course, more recipes as well. From classic huevos rancheros and lightning-fast Mexican vegetable soup to an elegant, ultra-simple peanut mole and the now-iconic Frontera Chocolate Pecan Pie, there are dishes for all tastes.

Tropical Cool
Season 3 serves up action, adventure and more delicious Mexican favorites from Chef Rick Bayless. Episodes include Antojito Jones, Chorizo Hunter, Savory Sundays and Tropical Cool.
Fusion Revolution
Rick explores the dazzling complexity of mole—the ultimate fusion food; hunts for street snacks in Mexico City; meets the first family of tequila—the quintessential Mexican spirit; grills sizzling chicken on an oil-drum barbecue; and enjoys a day at the beach in search of the ultimate catch.

The Yucatan!
This show, among all 13 shows that make up the 5th season of the series, clearly exemplifies Rick’s passion for bringing the earthy, gutsy, delicious flavors of the Yucatan into the kitchens of fans of the show in the United States.
Fiesta at Rick’s
A Mexican-style party ride of entertaining ideas. Each fiesta features a Mexican inspiration for a fun party theme with delicious fare, decorations and music. The cooking is as much fun as the eating.

Mexico City Live!
Mexican cooking has come into its own as a vibrant new source of creativity. And Mexico City is where it all comes alive. Join Rick for his greatest food adventure yet: an insider’s tour of the capital of cool — and the soul of a new cuisine.